Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and support good decision-making by the Board
In addition to the high level explanation of the application of the QCA Code set out in the chair’s corporate governance statement:
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the chair, Chief Executive and any other Directors who have specific individual responsibilities or remits (e.g. for engagement with shareholders or other stakeholder groups).
Describe the roles of any committees (e.g. audit, remuneration and nomination committees) setting out any terms of reference and matters reserved by the board for its
Describe which matters are reserved for the board.
Describe any plans for evolution of the governance framework in line with the company’s plans for growth. |
Roles and responsibilities of the Chair, Chief Executive and any other directors who have specific individual responsibilities or remits (e.g. for engagement with shareholders or other stakeholder groups)
Mark Cropper, as Chairman, is responsible for leading an effective Board, fostering a good corporate governance culture and ensuring appropriate strategic focus and direction.
The Chief Executive, Steve Adams, has overall responsibility for proposing the strategic focus to the Board, implementing the strategy once it has been approved and managing the Group’s business.
Martin Court, the Senior Independent Director, and the other non-Executive Directors are all willing to engage with shareholders should they have a concern that is not resolved through the normal channels.
Mark Cropper and Patrick Willink are the key contacts with the company’s family shareholders.
All of the Executive Directors have particular roles and areas of responsibility: Steve Adams; Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Goody; Chief Financial and Operations Officer, and Patrick Willink; Chief Innovation Officer. As such, they continually engage with the Group’s stakeholders, whether these be shareholders, members of staff, customers, suppliers, regulators, industry bodies and creditors (including the Group’s lending banks). As one would expect, there is a degree of overlap here, with individual roles and responsibilities touching many areas of the business.
Roles of any committees (e.g. audit, remuneration and nomination committees)
Executive Committee: it is responsible for the daily running of the Group and the execution of approved policies and the business plan.
Audit Committee: its primary responsibility is for monitoring the quality of internal controls, ensuring that the financial performance of the Group is properly measured and reported on and reviewing reports from the Group’s auditors relating to the Group’s accounting and internal controls. Jim Sharp is the Chair of the Audit Committee.
Remuneration Committee: its primary function is to review the performance of the Executive Directors and determine their terms and conditions of service, including their remuneration and the grant of options. Lyndsey Scott is the Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
Nomination Committee: identifies and nominates, for approval by the Board, candidates to fill Board vacancies as and when they arise. Mark Cropper is the Chair of the Nomination Committee.
Pension Committee: its primarily responsible for reviewing and approving the objectives of the James Cropper Plc Pension Schemes. It monitors performance of the Schemes and considers recommendations and reports from management in relation to policy and strategy concerning pensions and investment matters. Steve Adams is Chair for the Pension Committee.
The terms of reference for the committees can be found in the Sub-Committees section.
Matters reserved for the board
The Board has a formal written schedule of matters reserved for its review and approval; this schedule includes those matters described in the following table.
Plans for evolution of the governance framework in line with the company’s plans for growth
Nothing at present.