Propelling society into a sustainable future

Pioneering materials
Making a material difference
Playing an active role in energy transformation
A better future starts in 1845
Over 175 years of sustainable innovation
Our sustainable commitment

Sustainable Business Practicies
9 Priority ESG Areas
Decarbonisation and energy
Decarbonisation is critical to James Cropper, and we have developed a comprehensive roadmap to rethink our energy consumption, reduce primary energy use and shift to renewables. We plan to cut natural gas use by 25% by 2025 and achieve net zero across our supply chain by 2050.
We currently operate one of the UK’s largest roof-mounted PV systems and have planning permission for a new Low Carbon Energy Centre to electrify our papermaking processes. Sustainable product development helps our customers and consumers reduce their carbon footprints.
Key achievements:
- 100% renewable electricity at our Burneside site
- 8% reduction in fuel consumption in 2022
- 16.6% reduction in our Carbon Footprint in 2022
- Low Carbon Energy Centre scheduled for 2025
- Energy management certified to ISO 50001
Employee well-being
We are committed to fostering a positive and safe workplace that prioritizes the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of our employees. The pandemic has highlighted the need for a healthier world, making the wellbeing of our communities a top priority.
Our employee engagement initiatives have particularly focused on mental health services and support. Over the past year, we launched mental health awareness campaigns, providing information and advice from the Mental Health Foundation.
Key initiatives include:
- An employee volunteering policy granting two paid days off annually for local community service.
- A successful pilot scheme with Growing Well, a mental health charity, now being expanded across the business.
- The opening of an on-site gym at our Burneside location in June 2022, available for free to all employees.
- An annual cycle-to-work scheme.
- Enhanced workplace environment and facilities, including a refreshed canteen.
Materials with purpose
Through the application of our intellectual property and innovative technologies, our smart solutions work to reduce our impact, and that of our customers on the environment.
- To date we have recovered 185 million recycled coffee cups through our zero waste CupCycling facility
- 50% of the world’s fuel cells incorporate our advanced materials
- Our bio-based moulded fibre technology is thriving as a mono-material packaging option for consumer products
Water Management
Over centuries, industry and land management have shaped and polluted our river systems, lakes, and oceans. James Cropper has developed a water strategy that minimizes water use in manufacturing, recycles water used in production, and includes a water treatment facility. This approach ensures that 97% of the water used in our operations is cleaned and returned to the rivers we depend on.
- Water managed in partnership with the Environment Agency
- Water is continually recycled during production processes
- Waste water is sent directly to our local treatment facility
- 97% of water abstracted is returned clean to the river
Enhancing Livelihoods
At James Cropper we are committed to providing meaningful work. At the heart of this commitment is fair pay, even more important in light of the global cost of living crisis.
Equality and diversity are essential to ensuring we run the business ethically for our valued employees. Our Gender Pay Report ensures transparency of data and our approach to improve equality for current and future employees.
The mean gender pay gap at James Cropper in 2022 was -0.5%. Our continued focus will act as a catalyst, ensuring equality of pay in the workplace.
- Supported by our Code of Ethics and Behaviours
- To deliver modern business practices and ways of working that are efficient and flexible
- We have made a number of enhancements to our family friendly policies and initiatives
- Commitment to more opportunities to up-skill for career progression
Business ethics and risk
At James Cropper, our core values of Forward Thinking, Responsible, and Caring are central to our operations, as outlined in our people policy framework. These values guide our interactions with customers, suppliers, and employees. Our Code of Ethics and Behaviours (the Code) provides detailed guidance on these values and expectations, which all employees are required to uphold. The People team maintains a register to ensure all employees have received and understood the Code, emphasizing honesty and integrity in all business conduct. Additionally, both external and internal factors are considered when assessing risks, including legal, regulatory, environmental, social, and governance aspects.
- Principal risks are outlined in the Risk Management section of our Annual Report
- Climate related risks and opportunities form part of the ESG sub-committee agenda
- The emerging risk horizon is scanned by the functions and the businesses
Waste and resource management
James Cropper is committed to being recognised as a leading innovator in the recovery of fibre, through post consumer or manufacturing waste. Additionally, we work to ensure that our waste that can’t be recycled is upcycled and approved by the environment agency as fertiliser on farms near our Burneside site. For James Cropper, making a material difference means ensuring that our products and by-products don’t make their way to landfill.
- James Cropper paper products are inherently recyclable and recycled (with paper based packaging recycled at a rate of 83%)
- Dried waste from site is approved by Environment Agency as a fertiliser on local farms
- Our FibreBlend model, supports the goal for paper products to include 50% recovered fibre by 2025
- TFP non-woven materials improve end-use efficiency
Local community
James Cropper is dedicated to being a force for good in society, focusing on ensuring economic sustainability, employment, and positively contributing to the local community. We support the local community through monetary and material donations, volunteer work, and initiatives like modernizing the local school library to encourage reading among students.
- A bench and defibrillator in Burneside village
- Roof insulation and the installation of solar panels on St Oswald’s primary school
- Setting up allotments in the village and contributing to the Clean River Kent Campaign (CRKC).
Supply chain
We promote sustainable practices through our approach to raw material procurement, which supports sustainable sourcing and supplier partnerships. This commitment provides our customers with confidence in the provenance of materials. Our dedication to sustainable sourcing is reinforced by supply chain certification and transparency, ensuring environmental integrity and social accountability.
In 2022, we implemented our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC), achieving over 90% compliance from key supply chain partners. Confirming the environmental and social standards in our upstream supply chains has become an increasingly crucial prerequisite.
- Our fibre is sourced from well managed FSC® – certified forests and other controlled sources. FSC® License code: FSC-C009165
- By also sourcing PEFC, James Cropper Paper and Packaging is supporting sustainably managed forests globally. License code PEFC/16-33-467
- From harvest site and pulp mill to end product, we employ effective fibre traceability procedures which provide assurance of the legality of wood, biodiversity and sustainable land use practices throughout.
- The James Cropper group have a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery and we are committed to acting in an ethical manner and with integrity and transparency in our business dealings.
- We use submission and feedback from ratings such as EcoVadis to learn and improve our approach across the sustainability agenda.